Due to recent outbreak of COVID-19, Volunteer Markham is encouraging all our volunteers, staff and community to take the necessary steps to stay safe during these unpredictable times. Similar to the many organizations in Markham, we are weighing our options on a day-to-day basis. At this time, Volunteer Markham is here to help you virtually, so please do continue to connect with us!
To ensure the health and safety of our volunteers and our community, we ask that you please take the following steps based on Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines;
- Practise social distancing and stay home! If you need to go out please limit the time and frequency and ensure to stay safe. Social distancing involves taking steps to limit the number of people you come into close contact with. If you are required to leave home please maintain a 2 metre (6 feet) distance from others.
2. Ensure hand washing stations are available and accessible. Encourage staff, volunteers and visitors to thoroughly and regularly wash their hands and keep hands away from their face. Wipe, clean, disinfect as many surfaces that you come into contact with as possible (including door knobs, gas pumps, shopping carts, handles, etc.)
3. We ask our volunteer organizations that you remind volunteers of the most effective ways to stay healthy. talking to your supervisor, manager, or employer about the possibility of working from home where possible. We all have an individual responsibility to keep ourselves and our families safe.
4. We ask that you post signage and advise volunteers who are ill to stay home and/or postpone their volunteer tasks/shifts. Encourage and support individuals in making their own personal choices and stay connected.
5. Please post signage and advise volunteers who have travelled to affected areas or those that have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days to postpone their activities and self-quarantine and/or attend an “Assessment Centre”.
Thank-you to our volunteers and our community for your cooperation and patience during these times. Should you have any further questions, please contact us. Stay informed and stay connected. We will make it through together.
- York Region Public Health
- Ontario Ministry of Health
- Government of Canada Travel Advice & Advisories
- World Health Organization
- Telehealth Ontario: 1.866.797.0000
- Health Connection (Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM): 1.800.361.5653 (TTY:1.866.512.6228)
- Communicable Diseases On-Call Investigator (after hours):905.953.6478